Wednesday, April 30, 2008

September, 23, 1999

I dumped her. She kept repeating what ever I say. She’s annoying. Bye bye parakeet.

September, 19, 1999

Today I have a date with the parakeet of fifth acre. She is super cute and very colorful. It’s so awesome.

September, 16, 1999

Today I had a wrestling match with the capuchin in the next tree. He won but I have a rematch right now. 5 minutes later. He beat me.

September, 10, 1999

Today I was running for my life from rainforest people. The Bora tribe likes their fruit. So today I am hungry and I go looking for food and I find a pile of fruit. I start eating and a lady finds me and chases me back to my tree. She was calling me a demon.

September, 5, 1999

Today my troop is going out to find a new home. Troop is a fancy word for group. We found a home near rain forest Indians. Mom says they will shoot us with blowguns. The rest of the group disagrees.

September, 2, 1999

5 reasons I like the rain forest
1. It has plenty of food and water.
2. Has plenty of room.
3.1 of three medicines come from here.
4. Always is full of energy.
5. Has tall trees to climb.

September, 1, 1999

5 reasons I hate the rain forest.
1. It is really dense.
2. The rain forest is really humid.
3. South America has too many bugs.
4. It’s very hot.
5. Howler monkeys always wake me up.

August, 20, 1999

It is really kind of nice living in the rain forest canopy. I am always having fun swinging from my tail from branch to branch.

August, 16, 1999

I didn’t get 1 wink of sleep yesterday night. Kinkajou wanted to play all kinds of, yawn, games. It was terib-. Snore.

August, 15, 1999

Tonight I have a sleepover with the sleepover king, the kinkajou from Africa. He is so cool because his mom lets him do all kinds of stuff after dark.

July, 30, 1999

Dinnertime was Delicious. We had my favorite food, golden berry fruit with some Guava fruit and a side of cashew nuts. It was one of the best meals I ever had.

July, 27, 1999

Today’s an awesome day. My part of the rain forest is now protected. Now it is trespassing to cut down our tree. Isn’t that great? What the...! I hear a chain saw, too bad for the neighbors.

June, 25, 1999

Okay I’ve heard of misunderstanding but this is ridiculous. Gees, have jaguars ever heard of manners. Ok I’m walking in the rainforest of Brazil/Amazon. When out of no where I see a lost jaguar cub? I walk up to it and tried to help it. But no. He has to start yelling and crying. And out of the grass comes mom, dad, and another 5 jaguars. I take off and run home. And to believe that 5 minutes ago I was being chased by 6 male jaguars. Woo what a day.